10 Ways To Save Energy In Your Home Today!
10 Ways To Save Energy In Your Home Today!
Do you like saving money on your heating and cooling costs? Guess what, you’re in luck! Pro Insulation Contracting is here to make you aware, as a homeowner, of different ways to save energy in your home today!
These adjustments could range from simple behavioral adjustments to small home renovation projects. There are multiple pathways to reduce the energy consumption within your home.

1) Seal Doors and Windows
Air sealing is super important to prevent any leakages in your home. From the smallest cracks and crevices to even larger ones, caulking and weatherstripping will work just fine.
By reducing the draftiness in your home, you are able to save on heating and cooling costs. Keep the cool/warm air where it belongs- in your home!
2) Turn Off the Lights and Unplug Unused Appliances
This goes without say. By simply turning off lights that you aren’t using or unplugging smaller appliances when you are finished with them such as water kettles, coffee makers, or toasters, the savings can be small, but add up significantly!
This can save the homeowner up to $15 yearly in utility costs. Take advantage of the natural sunlight during the day, and smaller light appliances such as desk or table lamps during the night.
3) Change Your Light Bulbs
CFL (compact fluorescent lamp), LED (light emitting diode), or halogen incandescent light bulbs save you money in the long-run! Switch out your traditional light bulbs with CFL, LED, or halogen and start using less energy today.
Plus, these light bulbs have a longer shelf life than regular light bulbs AND they consume less energy.
4)Upgrade Home Insulation
Of course, “topping up” your insulation also saves you money and energy long-term. Insulation is important for keeping heat in during the winter, and cool air during the summer.
You can choose blown in insulation (cellulose or fiberglass), as well as spray foam insulation to achieve your desired results.
5) Use Less Hot Water
By cutting down the length of your showers and washing your clothes in cold water can help save energy as it takes a lot of energy to heat water in the first place.
6) Have A Leaky Faucet? Fix it!
By fixing something as simple as a leaky faucet can save you up to $9 per year in energy costs.
7) Thermostat
If you have electric baseboard heating, you can reduce your yearly costs by $120 by lowering your thermostat by only two degrees.
Want to save more? Reduce your thermostat by five degrees, and save 10% instead of 5%!
8) Have An Old TV? Recycle It!
Yes, that old TV sitting in the corner of your living room costs you $6-10 yearly! Even if you are just using it for an hour a day, it still is costing you money! It’s the small things.
9)Hang Dry Your Laundry On The Clothesline!
If possible, hang your clothes on the clothesline if the weather permits. Let’s do the math.
If you do 8 loads of laundry a week, and you utilize your clothesline for 50% of these loads, your savings amount up to $70 a year!
10) Windows Coverings - Make Strategic Decisions!
Block the sweltering sun in the afternoon and promote more airflow throughout your home by investing in eco-friendly, energy-saving thermal blinds. They reduce heat loss up to 40%!
Your annual savings can be anywhere between $10-$45.
Want to Start Saving Money Today With Pro Insulation Contracting?
Call us today to discover more simple ways to save energy in your home today!