Enbridge Home Efficiency Rebate
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Ontario and the Government of Canada are offering this rebate to residential homeowners as a thank-you for cutting down your total household energy consumption. On a bigger scale, the goal is to alleviate the negatives of climate change.
We can help you receive up to $10000 in rebates for making your home more comfortable and eco-friendly through renovations and upgrades!
As a homeowner, all you must do to qualify is complete 2 EnerGuide Energy Audits (pre- and post-renovations).
Enbridge Energy Rebate
The Home Efficiency Rebate can help lower your energy costs and make it more comfortable year-round. Get up to $5,000 in rebates for insulation, air sealing, new windows/doors, water heaters, boilers, furnaces and home energy assessments.
You’re planning to renovate or replace old equipment, and haven’t yet started the work
You’re a residential Enbridge Gas customer.
You own a detached, semi-detached, row townhouse or a mobile home with a permanent foundation.
Your home is heated with a natural gas furnace or boiler**.

Schedule a Home Energy Assessment
Before starting any work, we will help you get scheduled for a home energy assessment with a Certified energy advisor.
Energy Assessment
One of the registered energy advisors will come by and conduct an energy inspection. The energy advisor will provide a report with a list of recommended upgrades to help lower your natural gas bill and make your home comfortable.
Authorize Your Eligibility
After the inspection you can choose which upgrades to retrofit your home. For each additional upgrade you install, you'll get additional bonus incentives up to $750.
Work Completion
Once you complete the upgrades, book an appointment with us to come by and complete the work. We provide high quality products and all of our installers have 10+ years of experience
Follow Up Energy Assessment and Rebate Cheque
Final stage, Energy check point to make sure work is done as expected, the second visit takes about 30 minutes and must take place within 120 days of your first visit.
* You will receive the rebate cheque within 8-12 weeks of the final inspection.
Do more, get bonus rebates
* Create your own bundle and be eligible for up to $5,000 Governmental rebate
* Get $150 Install three upgrades ($150 bonus for any three upgrades has been applied to bundles above)
* Get $500 Install four upgrades ($500 bonus for any four upgrades has been applied to bundles above)
* Get $750 Install five or more upgrades.
* PLUS: Insulate 100 percent of your basement for an additional $500 bonus rebate.
We can help you
If you are planning renovations or upgrades to your home in the near future, let Pro Insulation Contracting qualify you for rebates today!